Virtual surfaces data
ISVPG reproduces the micro and macroscopic unevenness and irregularities of the real surfaces, mainly as CRG and RGR formats.

Driving simulator 3D environment
3D environment for main Driving Simulator software from rFpro and Vi-grade.

HD maps
Opendrive format to be used under ADAS/AD simulations as well as other formats (e.g. HD maps) & track characteristics such as signalling or environment information can also be obtained upon request under standard or customized formats.
Tyre micro-structural information
Up to 60 micrometers accuracy as either contact patch trajectories or specific static patches (approx dimension 1m x 2m).
> 20
> 100 Licesing
of ISVPG tracks
Reduction of handling, comfort
and durability development time
Definition of designed components
with realistic conditions and scenarios
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