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Virtual Proving Ground (VPG)

Digital twin of the physical Proving Ground at IDIADA headquarters in Spain.  A single source of information to help engineers to simulate or use the road/track information for different virtual/digital activities.

  • Seamless integration with most simulation software
  • Flexibility in format customization
  • Multiple formats, contents, applications @ required accuracies for each case
  • Simple worldwide access either through partners or IDIADA



One of the main important characteristics of the data is easy worldwide access either through partners or IDIADA: a network of globally recognized partners can license the VPG on IDIADA’s behalf, enabling agile access for any customer.

- General access through available partners.
- Time-limited access to up-to-date, accurate and encrypted data.
- Multiple offline and online formats available.

- Exceptional access when partners do not fit customer requirements.
- Time-limited access to up-to-date, accurate and open format data.
- Customized format depending on the application.


0. General Road
MSC ADAMS Altair & Cosin Available
Vi - grade Available
rFpro Available
IPG ROAD5 On demand
OpenDrive On demand
1. High Speed Circuit
MSC ADAMS Altair & Cosin Available
Vi - grade On demand
rFpro Available
IPG ROAD5 On demand
OpenDrive Available
3. Fatigue Tracks
MSC ADAMS Altair & Cosin Available
Vi - grade On demand
rFpro On demand
IPG ROAD5 On demand
OpenDrive On demand
3. Comfort Tracks
MSC ADAMS Altair & Cosin Available
Vi - grade Available
rFpro On demand
IPG ROAD5 On demand
OpenDrive On demand
5. Dry Handling
MSC ADAMS Altair & Cosin Available
Vi - grade Available
rFpro Available
IPG ROAD5 Available
OpenDrive On demand
7. Comfort B & Sim City
MSC ADAMS Altair & Cosin Available
Vi - grade Available
rFpro On demand
IPG ROAD5 On demand
OpenDrive On demand
11. Wet Circle
MSC ADAMS Altair & Cosin Available
Vi - grade On demand
rFpro On demand
IPG ROAD5 On demand
OpenDrive On demand
12. Wet Handling
MSC ADAMS Altair & Cosin Available
Vi - grade On demand
rFpro On demand
IPG ROAD5 On demand
OpenDrive On demand
14. ADAS & CAV Track
MSC ADAMS Altair & Cosin On demand
Vi - grade On demand
rFpro On demand
IPG ROAD5 On demand
OpenDrive Available
IDIADA Internal Streets
MSC ADAMS Altair & Cosin On demand
Vi - grade On demand
rFpro On demand
IPG ROAD5 On demand
OpenDrive Available
External Roads: 1/2/3
MSC ADAMS Altair & Cosin On demand
Vi - grade Available
rFpro On demand
IPG ROAD5 On demand
OpenDrive On demand
Contact with our Customer Manager:
Javier Gutierrez
Project Manager, IDIADA Virtual Proving Ground
View full details
Javier Gutierrez
Project Manager, IDIADA Virtual Proving Ground

Virtual surfaces data

ISVPG reproduces the micro and macroscopic unevenness and irregularities of the real surfaces, mainly as CRG and RGR formats. 

Driving simulator 3D environment

3D environment for main Driving Simulator software from rFpro and Vi-grade. 

HD maps

Opendrive format to be used under ADAS/AD simulations as well as other formats (e.g. HD maps) & track characteristics such as signalling or environment information can also be obtained upon request under standard or customized formats.

Tyre micro-structural information

Up to 60 micrometers accuracy as either contact patch trajectories or specific static patches (approx dimension 1m x 2m).

  • > 20


  • > 100 Licesing

    of ISVPG tracks

  • Reduction of handling, comfort

    and durability development time

  • Definition of designed components

    with realistic conditions and scenarios

Ready to learn more about our product?

Contact our Customer Manager:
Javier Gutierrez
Project Manager, IDIADA Virtual Proving Ground

Contact us